Letter from former IAVH General Secretary Dr. Petra Weiermayer
Homeopathic veterinarians are all conventionally trained veterinarians. We understand disease and health as do our conventional colleagues. We use conventional diagnostics and therapeutics as needed. We have added homeopathy as another tool with which to help animals in our care. Homeopathic veterinarians have chosen to study and use homeopathy because we have seen benefits to patients. There is also significant research evidence supporting the effectiveness of veterinary homeopathy.
Please see our letter to the editor on the review of Doehring and Sundrum published in the Veterinary Record in December 2016, which summarises the current state of research in veterinary homeopathy. (CLICK to download.) Please read also a review (below, in Articles section) of a masters thesis performed by a human doctor (Melanie Woelk) on research in homeopathy, with the conclusion that homeopathy is an evidence-based medicine. Research of the crucial question whether veterinary homeopathy works according to the rules for evidence-based medicine (EBM) has to be performed, although some studies which show this evidence exist already.
Currently, there are one out of two evidence class 1a reviews, and one evidence class 1a meta-analysis, stating positive outcome for veterinary homeopathy, as well as one out of two evidence class 1b studies stating positive outcome for veterinary homeopathy, so veterinary homeopathy could be classified as evidence based. More high quality research is certainly needed.
For FAQ's on homeopathy we would like to refer to the website of the HRI (Homeopathy Research Institute); we are working together with regard to research.
For further information on research in homeopathy please see this page, also from HRI.
The ECH (European Committee for Homeopathy) and the UK Faculty of Homeopathy certify and examine medical and veterinary professionals in the practice of homeopathy, and their websites also discuss current research efforts.
ECH Research page Faculty Research page
WissHom page (https://www.wisshom.de/)
Dr. Petra Weiermayer
Homeopathic Case Reports in the Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association
The Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (JAHVMA) has recently made available a sample of some nice homeopathic case reports by IAVH members Liesbeth Ellinger and Henry Stephenson. Liesbeth's case is Pemphigus Foliaceous in a horse, and Henry's is an Akita with Eosinophilic Meningoencephalitis. Both cases were treated successfully with homeopathic medicines. This sample page is available at the following link, courtesy of the AHVMA:
Carstens Stiftung [Carstens Foundation] Veterinary Homeopathy Research Database Online Again!
The Karl and Veronica Carstens Foundation (www.carstens-stiftung.de) have once again published their extensive database of veterinary homeopathic medicine research articles and supporting documents (Currently 445 clinical trials and case histories, as of June 2020). Registration is necessary but is free.
HomVetCR (Clinical Research on Veterinary Homeopathy)
General information about their New Database Portal for Complementary Medicine.
Homeopathy Research Institute leads the way with Research into Homeopathic Medicine
CORE-Hom is the most comprehensive and academically rigorous database of its kind in the world, and the only homeopathy database providing information about the quality of the studies it contains. It is a collaboration between Carstens Stiftung and Homeopathy Research Database.
Any research IAVH supports should be vetted by the HRI scientific committee, which consists of experts from around the world who understand and participate in research in homeopathic medicine.
HRI Scientific Advisory Committee
HRI undertaking a new study to investigate the quality of homeopathic research. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29377709
Research-Database on clinical homoeopathy
The Karl and Veronica Carstens Foundation (www.carstens-stiftung.de) has created an online database of clinical research in homeopathy. Interested parties can obtain an overview of the scope and content of previous research efforts in the field of veterinary homeopathy. Anyone who wants to be active themselves in this field or already works in research gets a good insight into the current state of research in his area of responsibility. It should be noted that the individual contributions are listed multiple times depending on the question in the results because the study was treated within several questions. It also should be noted that the claim of completeness isn’t raised with the present database; each user is invited to report any gaps, so that they can be closed immediately. Other critical comments are welcome.
The following page provides links to human research databases.
Dr. Saurav Arora, founder of Initiative to Promote Research in Homeopathy, attempts to scientifically answer many queries like dilution, dynamization, mode of action, transfer of biological information, physicochemical properties, and so on. This is the most updated work purely based upon the peer-reviewed scientific publications dedicated to fundamental research in high dilution and homeopathy.
Links to other articles/extracts about homeopathic research
This research project used nanoparticle testing to show that properly prepared homeopathic remedies in higher dilutions still contain particles, in apparent contradiction to Avogadro's number:
This small study showed that homeopathic remedy provings elicit more symptoms than placebo, suggesting that indeed remedies at dilution do produce reactions in the body: