International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy - IAVH

IAVH Office

c/o Lavra Kreacic
Cesta prvih borcev 20
8250 Brezice, Slovenia

+386 51 389 293

Location of Association

Dagmar Laluha
Lebernstrasse 11
8309 Nürensdorf


President: Don Hamilton (USA)
General Secretary: Beatrice Milleder (Germany)
Treasurer: Mirjam Blatnik (Slovenia)
Vice-president: Ilze Pētersone (Latvia)
Vice-general Secretary: Banu Kantarcioglu (Turkey)


This site is an information and offer of the International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy (IAVH)

All rights, including the right of reproduction and distribution are reserved. No article may be reproduced in any form (including photocopying, recording or otherwise) without written permission of IAVH or processed using electronic systems, copied or distributed.


Like any science, the veterinary homeopathy is under ongoing continual development, particularly with regard to treatment recommendations. Although the reader may rest assured that the authors and great care managers have used the fact that the information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. However, every user is encouraged, with the use of this information in the treatment of acquired own animals to consult an specialist (veterinarian). Each dosage or application is at your own risk.


IAVH Office
c/o Lavra Kreacic
Cesta prvih borcev 20
8250 Brezice, Slovenia

Telephone: +386 51 389 293
E-Mail:  officeiavhorg


The content on this website is regularly checked and updated. Despite all care, liability or other liability for the accuracy and completeness of the contents can not be accepted. The same applies to all external websites referenced by links. For their content exclusively the respective operators are responsible.

Pictures: Shutterstock, IAVH;

Content responsibility: IAVH

Design:  Die WerbeRaben Werbe- und Geschichtsagentur